[FOR PRESS RELEASE] Statement against Hamas brutal terrorism

It is a seismic shock to me and all around the world that multiple brutal terroristic incursions and attacks against local and international civilians in Israel had unfolded on 10/7, a day which will live in infamy as 9/11 and 12/7.

In the day which has been consigned into infamy, Hamas terrorists under the backing of Iran and Russia launched multiple incursions against Israel to brutally murder, kidnap and terrorize civilians ranging from babies to old people. I mourn the loss of many innocent lives there whose future were savagely robbed from them while their bodies are disrespected by Hamas terrorists in a manner that made the latter to be viewed as savages.

Honestly, I am a believer of the two-state solution in terms of building everlasting peace in Israel and Palestine. Nevertheless as shown in 10/7 Hamas pursues an end identical to that of Nazi Germany entailing the genocide of Jewish people and subsequent oppression in the territory that deprive its citizens the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Such a toxic and corrosive brand of tyranny as pursued by Hamas has no rightful place as stakeholder in the Israel Palestine conflict. It is imperative to liberate Palestine from the poisonous influence of Hamas so that peaceful engagements can continue. Their citizens must be educated and awakened to the dangers of Hamas ideology just as how denazification sessions were held by Allied troops for civilians in post-war Germany which included mass-media campaigns exposing the horrors of extermination camps.

The 10/7 attacks thrusted me back into the time when MH17 was shot down and so many people in the world including me reacted with shock and horror. I felt fear. I felt anger, I felt hate that only intensified when Russia keeps lying instead of apologizing. I remember the helplessness when I didn’t yet have the capabilities to avenge them until two years later. Even then the thirst of revenge did not cease completely and I must admit that I am always in danger of becoming completely engulfed by the dark side which may by some metrics make me worse than Hamas, Hitler, Pol Pot, Genghis Khan, Stalin and Hideki Tojo.

Hamas raped people who are too weak to defend themselves. Hamas behead babies who couldn’t speak and walk at all. Hamas destroyed countless aspiring ambitions and futures of those who were slain. Hamas kidnapped people and threatened to rob their future the same way. Because of Hamas, there are fewer stories to be told by people who lived their full life. The stories can be inspirations. The stories can be lessons. The stories can be cautionary. The stories can be simply funny, The stories can be anything that provides and adds their meaning to humanity, Earth and universe, like lights and stars that shines in darkness.

I understand revenge because I went through it after MH17 and after I was infected with COVID. The ideology as embodied by Hamas is so toxic to the point it must be eradicated to avoid further endangerment of others. The IDF have the full blessing of me and others to punish Hamas terrorists particularly those who were reponsible for 10/7. Scums who want to repeat the Holocaust against peaceful people must be punished so hard that they wouldn’t dare to even think about it again. I reserve the sole right to restart operations against Iran to avenge the fallen or to increase participation in the broader campaign against Russia. Considering my health I also reserve the right to train an apprentice for her to assist and continue with the campaigns with the positive, welcoming expectation of surpassing myself.

Yet, with periodical bouts of lucidity revenge is not really sustainable in the very long term. I must frankly admit that how I wished that MH17 didn’t happen at all so that I would have continued on the paths of benign careers, which could turn me into an influencer of any kind, such as blogging, video and gaming. I could be a MrBeast, a KreekCraft, or perhaps a Justin Bieber even though I liked typing than talking all of the time.

While being awash with grief and anger even though I am not a Jew let alone an Israeli, I thought about ways that cherish the memories of the fallen victims even better, far above those that arose from the feelings of revenge.

Their legacies, no matter how small they are, could serve as positive influences or inspirations for many times and generations to come which incidentally will compensate for the premature end of their stories, both in smaller and grander scales of the universe. Here I will focus on their digital legacies since before 10/7 like many I am wary about the spread of destructive policies against so-called inactive accounts, which in effect will force the victims to die a second death.

Before 10/7 like others I had composed a letter Senator Frank Pallone (D-NJ 6th District) which if I remembered correctly, calls for efforts and legislations to curtail some if not all of the aspects of destructive policies practiced by the Big Tech against accounts whose user has gone inactive for some reason, and the creation of a comprehensive legislation that opens the room to get Big Tech companies to institute functions that can lead to memorialization and preservation of accounts and contents just like Facebook. With that way histories and legacies will be treasured even more.

Perhaps the Beresheet space missions need major overhauls. The lander size could be increased to the size of the Apollo lander so to accommodate more legacies such as artifacts and disks for practically indefinite preservation. Giant leaps of advancements in data storages must be attempted so that ideally at least the whole Internet could be preserved for many generations to come. The obvious destination to put the landers would be the Moon and Mars but if we take the timescale further to the billions of years we have to be diligent. Mercury and Venus cannot be chosen due to their proximity to the Sun and will be destroyed during the red giant phase that occurs five billion years later so the ideal locations would be somewhere between the gas giants, or further in the Kuiper Belt.

The problem is we do not have the required technology to even send a person to Mars, let alone the Kuiper Belt. If all humanity set down their differences even for a comparatively short moment we can potentially land someone on Mars in ten years. Down on the ground we could and should have developed cures to most viral diseases such as HIV an COVID in a way that the patients are fully recovered after treatments.

I dream of a future where space travel are as commonplace as air travel now. I dream of a future where all viral diseases are curable and preventable. I dream of a future where artificial intelligences works with humans to unleash a cosmic sense of harmony. I dream of a future where people live so long to witness and create wonders. I dream of a future where the virtual metaverses are so ubiquitous that people can healthily compete with each other and settle differences without the latter spinning out of control into harmful and irreversible levels. I dream of a future where people’s right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are respected perhaps irrespective of political systems and structures.

The so-called final frontier up above is actually a place that gives humanity the power to express their arts and stories while getting these preserved for a practical eternity to come, just like how Prometheus gave fire to humans so they can thrive in the myth stories.

But to accomplish all the aforementioned hopeful futures that in one way could bring some closure to the victims and their families, we need to think hard what went wrong in the first place. We cannot afford to let an environment remain as it is if it still has the ability to create more future Hamas. We need to proactively change it for the better so that people will love more than hate.

Perhaps the Mofaz plan should be resurrected in part to induce moderate elements in Hamas to overthrow and prosecute the fanatics, freeing and returning the hostages, and embark on a path to everlasting mutual peace. That way some collateral damages and tragedies against Gaza citizens can still be averted. With this, Shepherd Iverson’s plan to peacefully denuclearise, democratize and reunify Korea should be given a fair go so that more tragedies will be averted.

The course of events today rhymes with the storyline of The Expanse. Marco Inaros hurled rocks against Earth and Mars causing untold casualities. Because of that the Inners hate the Belters a lot so much that Pallas station was destroyed. However, it was the shaking of hands between innocent parties of Inners and Belters that precipitated the downfall of Marco Inaros and his terrorist group and hence secured an unprecedented peace when they negotiated an arrangement that would benefit both Inners and Belters.

It will be truly wonderful if the very old conflict is resolved in a way that made life imitated art. To paraphrase a student essay in a NASA event, curiosity, happiness and love, rather than hate, should burn in everyone’s mind. Without them except hate we wouldn’t be who we are today as we are still stuck in primitive states. Let curiosity, happiness and love be the passions that drives us through our everyday lives. Sure, in the course of history there are many risks and dangers, but despite that, we still continue to wonder and dream and create and hope. If there is only the feeling of hate in the universe, it will be an ugly, sordid, lifeless, boring, and meaningless place where sufferings and challenges are all for naught.

May the force be with you, always.